2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ‘17) Twenty-first Annual HPEC Conference 12 - 14 September 2017 Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA USA
Site created and maintained by Ballos Associates

All authors must submit the following NO LATER THAN August 13, 2017:

An electronic version (PDF format only) of your final paper A completed and signed IEEE copyright form  Paper Text: Title List of authors and their affiliations Abstract Introduction Body Conclusion Acknowledgements (optional) References Appendices (optional) Your paper will be included in the proceedings exactly as submitted. Authors must therefore follow the IEEE standards in preparing their final papers. Please use the IEEE provided templates when preparing your paper. Check your paper for IEEE compliance through the IEEE PDF eXpress site Upload your IEEE compliant pdf file to the HPEC 2017 submission site Sign and submit your copyright form    
	Check your paper for IEEE compliance with the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus Tool
An electronic version of your final in IEEE eXplore®-compatible PDF format must be submitted to the HPEC 2017 submission site no later than August 13, 2017.  Submission of final papers requires two procedures:  1) The first procedure is to ensure that all final papers are in pdf format and are IEEE Xplore compliant.  2) The second procedure is to submit the final paper to the conference, in pdf format, for publication. Procedure 1:  Ensure pdf file is IEEE Xplore compliant Please note: All pdf files are required to be IEEE Xplore compliant. HPEC 2017 has registered for use of the tool IEEE PDF eXpress® Plus. IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (by using the conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (by using the PDF Check function).

The Xplore site will NOT collect final papers. When you are satisfied with the final paper, be sure to log in to

the HPEC 2017 Submission Site and submit your compliant PDF for collection.

Steps for using the IEEE PDF eXpress® Plus tool:

1. Create your manuscript(s) 2. Proofread and check layout of manuscript (it is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to IEEE PDF eXpress). Figures and fonts should be very legible in the final manuscript.  The final manuscript should address comments provided by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) during the review process of summary papers.  These comments can be found by logging into the conference submission site at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/HPEC2017/. 3. Create IEEE PDF eXpress account. The url to use this tool is:  http://www.pdf-express.org/   The conference ID is 35639X.  Upload source file(s) for Conversion; and/or PDF(s) for Checking 4. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to obtain IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support. 5. Once you have a compliant PDF file, log in to the HPEC 2017 Submission Site and submit your compliant PDF for collection.  The deadline for submitting this final PDF file is August 13, 2017.
	Upload your IEEE compliant pdf file to the HPEC 2017 submission site
Procedure 2: Steps for submitting your final paper for collection: 1. Log in to the HPEC 2017 submission site at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/HPEC2017/ 2. Click edit and follow the instructions. 
Check your title, abstract and author information for accuracy.  The Proceedings will be published with this information exactly as entered.
Please use the “next” button to go through the individual screens to complete the paper collection process. 
A completed and Signed Copyright Form submitted no later than August 13, 2017. Please submit via email to kathleen@ballos.com If you cannot sent the copyright electronically, it may be mailed to: Ballos Associates HPEC 2017 PO Box 709 Townsend, MA  01469 USA Important: Please make sure you fill in the "Title of the Work", which will be the name of your paper (including your assigned paper identification number), as well as the author(s) information, and sign the copyright form in only one of the designated signature lines. 

Sign and submit your copyright form